An existing Temporary Traffic Order has been modified. The details are as follows :
Start Date and Time : 05 April 2021 08:00
End Date and Time : 23 April 2021 17:00
Location : Corse Gardens / Corse Wynd
Description : The effect of the order, which will operate from 08:00 on 5th April, 2021, until 17:00 on 23 April, 2021, is to close Corse Gardens, Aberdeen, in its entirety and Corse Wynd, between its junctions with Corse Avenue and the North East boundary of number 26, including the cul de sac.
There will also be a prohibition of waiting at any time on the same stretches of carriageway. The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.
Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.