New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Lang Stracht

Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 07:00 on 20th January, 2025, until 17:00 on 19th April, 2025, is to impose a temporary prohibition of right turns from Lang Stracht, Aberdeen, on to Dobbies Garden Centre access road, and also from Dobbies Garden Centre access road, Aberdeen, on to Lang Stracht.

Alternative routes are available via Green Hedges Roundabout Lang Stracht, Stronsay Drive, King’s Gate, Queen’s Road and Green Hedges Roundabout.

There will be a temporary 20mph speed restriction imposed on Lang Stracht, Aberdeen, from its junction with Maidencraig bus gate to the Aberdeen Gymnastics Centre access road.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Hatton Traffic Management on 07940598693

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Cloghill Place

Start Date and Time : 11 November 2024 04:00 
End Date and Time : 01 December 2024 17:00 
Location : Cloghill Place 
Description : The effect of the order is to impose temporary prohibition of driving on Cloghill Place , Aberdeen from Derbeth Crescent to Sheddocksley Drive.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of Cloghill Place for the durations of the works.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of Derbeth Crescent from Cloghill Place to House Number 20 Derbeth Crescent for the durations of the works.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones. The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC road maintenance works.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to 03000 200 292 

Alternate Route : sheddocksley drive, springhill road, lang stracht Vice versa 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Derbeth Grange

Start Date and Time : 05 November 2024 04:00 
End Date and Time : 09 December 2024 17:00 
Location : Derbeth Grange 

Description : The effect of the order is to impose temporary prohibition of driving on Derbeth Grange , Aberdeen from Kingswells Crescent to Derbeth Walk.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road for the durations of the works.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC road maintenance works.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to 03000 200 292 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Stronsay Drive

Start Date and Time : 14 January 2025 08:30 
End Date and Time : 15 January 2025 16:45 
Location : Stronsay Drive

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 08:30 on 14th January, 2025, until 16:45 on 15th January, 2025, is to impose a temporary prohibition of waiting on either side of Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen, from the boundary between numbers 62/72 and 74/84 Stronsay Drive to the gable end of numbers 98/108 Stronsay Drive.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during installation of a new bus shelter being carried out by Commutaports Ltd.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Commutaports Ltd on 01417622626 or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Hillylands Road

Start Date and Time : 17 October 2024 21:30 
End Date and Time : 22 October 2024 21:30 
Location : Hillylands Road 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 21:30 on 17th October, 2024, until 21:30 on 22nd October, 2024, is to impose a temporary prohibition of waiting on either side of Hillylands Road, Aberdeen, from its junction with Fernhill Drive to the boundary between number 23 and 25 Hillylands Road.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during repair works being carried out by Scottish Water.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Clancy Traffic Management on 07739189752, or

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Eday Road

Start Date and Time : 08 January 2025 09:30 
End Date and Time : 08 January 2025 16:00 
Location : Eday Road 

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Eday Road at its junction with Fernielea Road.

These signals will operate 24 hours a day to provide safe access while works are carried out on underground structure.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Sunbelt Rentals on 03700500792, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Fernielea Road & Eday Road

Start Date and Time : 08 January 2024 09:30 
End Date and Time : 08 January 2024 15:30 

Location : Fernielea Road & Eday Road 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:30 until 15:30 on 8th January, 2025, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Fernielea Road, Aberdeen, from its junction with Eday Road to the boundary between number 2 and 4 Fernielea Road.

An alternative route is available via Eday Road and Fernielea Place.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road and also on either side of Eday Road, Aberdeen, from its junction with Eday Crescent to the boundary between number 19 and 21 Eday Road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones The measures are necessary to protect public safety during blockage works being carried out by BT Openreach.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Sunbelt Rentals on 03700500792, or

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Howes Road

Start Date and Time : 11 October 2024 08:00 
End Date and Time : 14 October 2024 17:00 

Location : Howes Road 

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Howes Road at the entrance to Orchard Brae school. These signals will operate 24 hours a day while works are carried out to tar the junction.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to A & A Elphinstone on 01464 871121 or at

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Springhill Road

Start Date and Time : 21 October 2024 08:00 
End Date and Time : 25 October 2024 17:00 
Location : Springhill Road

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate 08:00 on 21st October, 2024, until 17:00 on 25th October, 2024, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Springhill Road:

The restrictions will be carried out in phases, and phases 2 and 3 will not commence until the previous phase has been completed.

Phase 1 for approximately two days; Prohibition of driving on Springhill Road, Aberdeen, between its junctions Greenfern Road and Fernhill Road. An alternative route is available via Lang Stracht, Fernhill Drive and Greenfern Road. There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the same stretch of road.

Phase 2 for approximately two days; Prohibition of driving on Springhill Road, Aberdeen, between its junctions Fernhill Road and Hallfield Road. An alternative route is available via Lang Stracht, Fernhill Drive and Greenfern Road. There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the same stretch of road.

Phase 3 for approximately one day; Prohibition of driving on Springhill Road, Aberdeen, between its junctions Hallfield Road and Lang Stracht. An alternative route is available via Langs Stracht, Fernhill Drive and Greenfern Road. There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the same stretch of road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during removal of dangerous dead trees south bound from Greenfern Road to Lang Stracht works being carried out by Aberdeen City Council.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Aberdeen City Council Park Department on 07921222658 or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Lang Stracht

Start Date and Time : 07 October 2024 04:00
End Date and Time : 01 November 2024 17:00

Location : Lang Stracht

Description : The effect of the order is to impose temporary prohibition of driving Westbound on Lang Stracht, Aberdeen from Lang Stracht to Fairley Road.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC road maintenance works.
Alternate Route : N/A

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Lang Stracht

Start Date and Time : 12 October 2024 09:00
End Date and Time : 13 October 2024 17:00

Location : Lang Stracht

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Lang Stracht between its junction the entrance to the garden centre and the entrance to the gymnastics centre.

These signals will operate 24 hours a day while GCU carries out repairs on a defect in the area.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on or 01236862400

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Eday Road

Start Date and Time : 04 November 2024 09:30 
End Date and Time : 04 November 2024 15:30 
Location : Eday Road 

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Eday Road between its junction with Eday Crescent and its junction with Fernielea Road.

These signals will operate during off peak hours while works are carried out to clear a blockage.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Sunbelt Rentals on 03700500792, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Wellside Park

Start Date and Time : 30 October 2024 09:30 
End Date and Time : 10 November 2024 21:30 
Location : Wellside Park

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:30 on 30th October, 2024, until 21:30 on 10th November, 2024, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Wellside Park, Aberdeen, from the boundary between number 2 and 3 Wellside Park to the southern gable end of number 14 Wellside Park, Local Access only.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during sewer works being carried out by Scottish Water. 

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Clancy Traffic Management on 01506379338, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – HILLYLANDS ROAD

Start Date and Time : 09 October 2024 09:30 
End Date and Time : 17 October 2024 21:30 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:30 on 9th October, 2024, until 21:30 on 17th October, 2024, is to impose a temporary prohibition of waiting on either side of Hillylands Road, Aberdeen, from its junction with Fernhill Drive to the boundary between number 23 and 25 Hillylands Road.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during repair works being carried out by Scottish Water.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Clancy Traffic Management on 07739189752, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Skene Road

Start Date and Time : 09 August 2024 04:00 
End Date and Time : 23 August 2024 17:00

Location : Skene Road

Description : The effect of the order is to impose temporary prohibition of driving on Skene Road, Aberdeen from Maidencraig Roundabout to the junction with the entrance to Hazlehead Crematorium.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC road maintenance works.

Alternate Route : Lang Stracht, Anderson Drive

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Fernielea Road, Eday Road

Start Date and Time : 28 August 2024 09:30 
End Date and Time : 28 August 2024 16:00 

Location : Fernielea Road, Eday Road.

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:30, until 16:00 on 28 August 2024, is to close Fernielea Road, Aberdeen, from its junction with Eday Road to the driveway at number 2 Fernielea Road. An alternative route is available via Eday Road and Fernielea Place.

There will be a prohibition of waiting on either side of Eday Road, Aberdeen, from its junction with Eday Crescent to the boundary between numbers 15 and 17 Eday Road.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during works for BT Openreach.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Sunbelt Rentals on 01382 767951, or

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Mastrick Road

Start Date and Time : 12 August 2024 09:00 
End Date and Time : 13 August 2024 06:00

Location : Mastrick Road

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Mastrick Road around 20m west of the junction with Arnage Place.

These signals will operate 24 hours a day while repairs are made to the iron works in the area.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on or 01236862400 

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Mastrick Road

Start Date and Time : 05 August 2024 09:00
End Date and Time : 06 August 2024 09:00

Location : Mastrick Road

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Mastrick Road 40m west of its junction with Derry Place.

These signals will operate 24 hours a day while while repairs are made to a broken toby cover.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on or 01236862400

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Stronsay Drive

Start Date and Time : 28 September 2024 09:00 
End Date and Time : 29 September 2024 17:00 

Location : Stronsay Drive 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:00 on 28th September, 2024, until 17:00 on 29th September, 2024, is to impose a temporary one-way restriction on Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Lang Stracht and Hoy Place.

The permitted direction of travel will be northbound.

An alternative route for southbound vehicles is available via Lang Stracht, Summerhill Road and Summerhill Terrace.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of the road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during remedial works being carried out by City Fibre.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow Traffic Management on 07917846641, or KELLY.GLOVER@CONTRAFLOW.CO.UK

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Mastrick Road, Arnage Place

Start Date and Time : 12 August 2024 09:00 
End Date and Time : 13 August 2024 06:00

Location : Mastrick Road, Arnage Place 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:00 on 12 August 2024, until 06:00 on 13 August 2024, is to close Arnage Place, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Mastrick Road and Arnage Terrace.

An alternative route is available via Arnage Drive and Ross Crescent.

There will be a prohibition of waiting on either side of Mastrick Road, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Derry Avenue and Derry Place.

There will also be a 10mph speed restriction imposed on the same stretch of road while a convoy system is in place.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during works for Scottish Water.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on 01738 449901, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Mastrick Road

Start Date and Time : 05 August 2024 09:00
End Date and Time : 06 August 2024 09:00

Location : Mastrick Road

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:00 on 5 August 2024, until 09:00 on 6 August 2024, is to impose a prohibition of waiting on either side of Mastrick Road, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Mastrick Junction and Derry Place.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during works for Scottish Water.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on 01738 449901, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Fairley Road

Start Date and Time : 03 June 2024 04:00 
End Date and Time : 14 June 2024 17:00 
Location : Fairley Road 

Description : The effect of the order is to impose temporary prohibition of driving on Fairley Road, Aberdeen from Kingswood Drive to Brooke Drive.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road for the durations of the works. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC road maintenance works. 

Alternate Route : Kingswood Drive, Chapel Of Stoneywood vice versa

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – New Park Road

Start Date and Time : 09 July 2024 09:00 
End Date and Time : 10 July 2024 09:00 
Location : New Park Road

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:00 on 9th July, 2024, until 09:00 on 10th July, 2024, is to impose a temporary prohibition of waiting on either side of New Park Road, Aberdeen, from the boundary between number 12 and 14 New Park Road to the boundary between number 20 and 22 New Park Road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during sewer cover repair works being carried out by Scottish Water.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow Traffic Management on 07786390767

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Old Lang Stracht

Category :Temporary Traffic Signal 
Traffic Order Number :2024/139/TTL 
Emergency : No 
Start Date and Time : 15 May 2024 09:30 
End Date and Time : 17 May 2024 17:00 
Location : Old Lang Stracht 

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Old Lang Stracht west of its junction with the Lang Stracht.

These signals will operate 24 hours a day while repairs are made to a burst water main in the area.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on or 01236862400

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Summerhill Crescent

Start Date and Time : 27 May 2024 04:00 
End Date and Time : 16 August 2024 17:00 
Location : Summerhill Crescent 
Description : The effect of this order is to impose a temporary prohibition of waiting on either side of Summerhill Crescent, Aberdeen .

Works will be carried out in approximately 100m sections.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC road maintenance works.

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Whitemyres Avenue

Start Date and Time : 27 May 2024 04:00 
End Date and Time : 16 August 2024 17:00 
Location : Whitemyres Avenue 

Description : The effect of this order is to impose a temporary prohibition of waiting on either side Whitemyres Avenue, Aberdeen, in its entirety for the duration of the works.

Works will be carried out in approximately 100m sections starting from Mastrick Drive end.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC road maintenance works. 

New Temporary Traffic Order- Gairsay Road

Start Date and Time : 03 June 2024 07:30 
End Date and Time : 07 June 2024 17:00 
Location : Gairsay Road 
Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 07:30 on 3 June 2024, until 17:00 on 7 June 2024, is to close Gairsay Road, Aberdeen, from the Chap construction site access to the access road at the electricity sub-station.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road. An alternative route is available via Eday Drive, Eday Road, and Stronsay Drive.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during carriageway remedial works.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to JKR Contractors on 01358 701665, or

NESTRANS Consults On Active Travel

Nestrans (North East Scotland’s Regional Transport Partnership), Aberdeen City Council and Aberdeenshire Council are working together to develop a Regional Active Travel Network. Active travel is people-powered transport: walking, wheeling (including wheelchairs, scooters, prams and buggies) and cycling. 

The network aims to provide a multi-decade vision for a high-quality network of routes that enable people to walk, wheel and cycle more easily and safely within and between the region’s communities.  This will support local and regional transport strategies and, by aligning with national policies and priorities for active travel, the region should be in a stronger position to access additional external funding to assist with delivery of projects.

A draft regional network has been developed, formed of important routes in built-up areas, and of regional connectors which link the region’s communities, providing solutions that are appropriate to the different geographies and different types of people across the region.  The network will align closely with national standards and plans to maximise the opportunity for downstream funding, but we recognise that it also needs to be developed from knowledge of the local issues and opportunities within the region.

Nestrans has therefore launched a consultation exercise, asking for feedback on the draft network from key stakeholders and members of the public so that the final recommendations reflect the views and priorities of people across the north east of Scotland.  The draft network and survey to give feedback are available at  The survey will remain open until Sunday 02 June 2024.

Temporary Traffic Order – Chapel Of Stoneywood

Start Date and Time : 23 April 2024 04:00
End Date and Time : 26 April 2024 17:00
Location : Chapel Of Stoneywood

Description : The effect of the order is to impose temporary prohibition of driving on Chapel Of Stoneywood, Aberdeen from Kingswells Crescent to North Kingswells Junction Roundabout .

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road for the durations of the works.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC road maintenance works.

Alternate Route : AWPR, Skene Road

Changes in Temporary Traffic Order – Kingswells Crescent

An existing Temporary Traffic Order has been modified. The details are as follows :

Category :Road Closure 
Date and Time : 11 March 2024 04:00 
End Date and Time : 27 March 2024 17:00 
Location : Kingswells Crescent 

Description : The effect of the order is to impose a prohibition of driving on Kingswells Crescent, Aberdeen from Chapel of Stoneywood to Concraig Gardens.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of carriageway.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

Access will be maintained for residents when safe to do so.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during ACC Road Maintenance Works.

Apologies, the closure of Kingswells Crescent and the diversion of all buses will continue until the end of Wednesday. If there’s any change to this, further details will be posted here.

Resurfacing of Kingswells Crescent and Concraig Gardens – Temporary Arrangements

Local councillor Steve Delaney was contacted by a number of Kingswells residents with various questions relating to resurfacing works on these two roads.The original plans would have closed both roads for around three weeks which would have made access arrangements very difficult for residents and taken the X14 and the school buses off Kingswells Crescent at Corse Avenue, effectively cutting off nearly half off the population of Kingswells from bus services for three weeks.

Steve said, “Although local access will be maintained as much as is possible, it was going to be very difficult for the number of motorists living on streets which come off Kingswells Crescent to get and out of their homes, especially at busy times. I brought matters to the attention of Aberdeen City Council and they have been particularly helpful in coming up with a revised plan so that, though it will cause some inconvenience, this will be much less than for the closure of both roads and it will be for much less time”.

Kingswells Crescent Resurfacing

The revised closure will now be from Monday 11th – Friday 15th March. Access will be maintained to people’s homes but there is likely to be delays at busy times and you may have to change your route to go northwards or southbound dependent upon where the resurfacing is being done. I apologise in advance for the delays but it’s now programmed for just five days and the result will be a complete resurfacing of Kingswells Crescent from Concraig Gardens to the C89C, which we will all benefit from.

Works will be done in phases, starting at the Concraig end as per phase 1 as indicated in the above diagram. It will then move to phases 2 and 3 over the course of the next few days.

There is a caveat. If the weather is particularly bad or unforeseen circumstances occur it may be necessary to add on additional days but there is already some contingency for little slippage within this tighter timescale. The last time there was major roadworks on the C89C a few years ago, the shortened timetable worked well.

With regard to the school buses to Bucksburn Academy, these will be diverted up Corse Avenue, cutting off all streets coming off Kingswells Crescent as previously advised. However, both the X14 and the Bucksburn Academy service are intended to return to their normal routes on 18th March if Kingswells Crescent has re-opened. If not, all services will return to the normal routes as soon as this road does re-open. In the case of the school buses, the change will happen from the next day so parents and young people can be informed.

Concraig Gardens Resurfacing

The resurfacing of Concraig Gardens will not now happen at the same time as Kingswells Crescent so as to avoid major disruption. It is however intended that Concraig Gardens will start as soon as possible after Kingswells Crescent has fully re-opened. The intention is for Concraig Gardens to be done from Monday 18th – Friday 22nd March. Unfortunately the road will need to be clear of cars for the resurfacing to proceed. It will therefore be necessary for residents (who do not have a driveway) to park their vehicles in another street when their street is being resurfaced. Local access to residential properties will be maintained thoughout but there will be delays at peak times.

Garden Tax Scrapped

Aberdeen’s Liberal Democrat councillors yesterday delivered on their pledge to scrap the much hated Garden Tax.

Kingswells, Sheddocksley, Summerhill councillor Steve Delaney who opposed the charge vehemently said, “Scrapping of the Garden Tax will address two key goals. It removes a charge that hit those on the lowest incomes hardest and it removes a disincentive to recycling”.

“Some who could not afford the charge and could not transport their garden waste to a recycling centre would disguise it in their general waste, increasing the cost and tonnage going to landfill. Garden waste could also be found dumped at various locations and that had to be uplifted at a cost”.

“If we want people to recycle to the maximum, we need to make it easy for them and the garden tax succeeded in becoming a great disincentive to recycling biodegradable garden waste”.

When the Garden Tax was first introduced, Steve said he would not pay it on a matter of principle and he never did. He said, “We only had a small garden so it was not difficult for us to take our garden waste to the recycling centre. That was much more of a challenge for residents who had no access to a vehicle, were left with no choice but to pay it”.

Note: From September 2024 a brown bin full of garden waste will be collected free of charge from every home. Charges will only apply where two or more bins require collection. Home composting is a viable alternative where the size of your garden would support this.

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Concraig Gardens

Start Date and Time : 18 March 2024 04:00 
End Date and Time : 29 March 2024 17:00 
Location : Concraig Gardens 

Description : The effect of this order is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Concraig Gardens, Aberdeen from Concraig Place to the turning circle.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of Concraig Gardens, from east boundary of number 17 to east boundary of number 47 Concraig Gardens and from north boundary on number 52 to south boundary of number 81 Concraig Gardens.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during ACC Road Maintenance Works 

Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Sheddocksley Road

Start Date and Time : 27 February 2024 04:00 
End Date and Time : 29 March 2024 17:00 
Location : Sheddocksley Road

Description : The effect of the order is to impose temporary prohibition of driving on Sheddocksley Road, Aberdeen from Kingsford Road Junction to South Boundary of number 8 Sheddocksley Road.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road for the durations of the works.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC road maintenance works. 

Alternate Route : N/A

Temporary Traffic Order – Kingswells Crescent

Start Date and Time : 11 March 2024 04:00 
End Date and Time : 22 March 2024 17:00 
Location : Kingswells Crescent 

Description : The effect of the order is to impose a prohibition of driving on Kingswells Crescent, Aberdeen from Chapel of Stoneywood to Concraig Gardens. There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of carriageway. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense. The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones. Access will be maintained for residents when safe to do so. The measure is necessary to protect public safety during ACC Road Maintenance Works. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Gairsay Road

Start Date and Time : 11 December 2023 08:00
End Date and Time : 17 February 2024 18:00

Location : Gairsay Road

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order is to close Gairsay Road, Aberdeen, from the Chap construction site access to the access road at the electricity sub-station, from 08:00 on 11 December 2023, until 18:00 on 22 December 2023.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road.

An alternative route is available via Stronsay Drive, Eday Road, and Eday Drive.

From 08:00 on 8 January 2024, until 18:00 on 17 February 2024, Gairsay Road, Aberdeen, will be one-way from the Chap construction site access to the access road at the electricity sub-station.

The permitted direction of travel will be westbound only.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road.

An alternative route is available via Eday Drive, Eday Road, and Stronsay Drive.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during gully connection and footway construction works.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to JKR Contractors on 01358 701665, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Lang Stract / Fernhill Drive

Start Date and Time : 08 November 2023 07:30 
End Date and Time : 05 January 2023 16:00 
Location : Lang Stract / Fernhill Drive 

Description : There will be lane closures in place on the Lang Stract, Aberdeen, from approximately 50m west of the junction with Fernhill Drive to the entrance to Lidl.

The Lane closure will start on the north side of the eastbound carriageway and alternate to the centre lanes and south side of the westbound carriageway during the works.

There will also be a one way system in place for part of the works on Fernhill Drive between Lang Stract and Burnbrae Crescent, prohibition of driving will be northbound.

The diversion route for when this restriction is in place will be Springhill Road and Greenfern Road. The bus lane for west bound traffic on Lang Stract will be suspended between Lamppost 57 (opposite number 229) to entrance to Lidl for the full duration of the works.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC road maintenance works. 

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Lang Stracht

Start Date and Time : 08 November 2023 07:30 
End Date and Time : 05 January 2024 16:00 

Location : Lang Stracht 

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Lang Stracht at its junction with Fernhill Drive.

These signals will operate 24 hours a day while the traffic signals, islands, crossings and kerbs in the area are refurbished.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Aberdeen City Council on 03000200292, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Lewis Road

Start Date and Time : 25 October 2023 17:00 
End Date and Time : 07 November 2023 17:00 

Location : Lewis Road 

Description : From 17:00 on 25 October 2023, for up to two weeks, Lewis Road, Aberdeen, will be closed from Taransay Crescent to the access to Taransay Court to allow SGN to carry out emergency works to repair a leak on a gas main.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Scotland Gas Networks on 0800 912 1700, or

Alternate Route : An alternative route is available via Arran Avenue.

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Gairsay Road

Start Date and Time : 23 October 2023 08:00 
End Date and Time : 26 October 2023 18:00 
Location : Gairsay Road 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 08:00 on 23 October 2023, until 18:00 on 26 October 2023, is to close Gairsay Road, Aberdeen, from the access road at the electricity sub-station to the boundary between numbers 13 and 15 Gairsay Road.

An alternative route is available via Eday Drive, Eday Road, and Stronsay Drive. Also, there will be a prohibition of waiting on either side of Gairsay Road, Aberdeen, from a point 10m east of the electricity sub-station access road to the driveway at number 15 Gairsay Road, and also on the electricity sub-station access road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during gas main installation works. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to JKR Contractors on 01358 701665, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – City Fibre 82/New Park Road

Start Date and Time : 09 October 2023 09:00 
End Date and Time : 10 October 2023 17:00 
Location : City Fibre 82/New Park Road

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:00 on 9th October, 2023, until 17:00 on 10th October, 2023, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on New Park Road, Aberdeen, from the boundary between number 10 and 12 New Park Road to the boundary between number 16 and 18 New Park Road.

An alternative route is available via Mastrick Drive and Arnage Drive.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the same stretch of road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during duct laying works being carried out by City Fibre.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Greenfern Avenue

Start Date and Time : 29 September 2023 08:00 
End Date and Time : 29 September 2023 17:00 
Location : Greenfern Avenue 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 08:00 until 17:00 on 29 September 2023, is to close Greenfern Avenue, Aberdeen, from its junction with Fernhill Road to the northern boundary of number 12 Greenfern Road.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road. Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

An alternative route is available via Fernhill Road, Springfield Road, and Greenfern Road.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during works for BT Openreach.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Freeflow on 01355 204 311, or 

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Kingswells Avenue

Start Date and Time : 06 September 2023 09:30
End Date and Time : 29 September 2023 15:30
Location : Kingswells Avenue
Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Kingswells Avenue between its junction with Cromar Gardens and its junction with Midmar View. These signals will operate 24 hours a day while Mainetenance works are carried out on Cloghill Farm Road. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to the 03000200292, or

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Mastrick Road

Start Date and Time : 24 August 2023 09:00
End Date and Time : 25 August 2023 17:00
Location : Mastrick Road
Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Mastrick Road 100m west of its junction with North Anderson Drive. These signals will operate 24 hours a day while works are carried out to lay fibre ducts in the area. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – City Fibre 67/Kingswells Avenue

Start Date and Time : 30 August 2023 09:00 
End Date and Time : 30 August 2023 17:00 
Location : City Fibre 67/Kingswells Avenue

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:00 until 17:00 on 30th August, 2023, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Kingswells Avenue, Aberdeen, between its junction with Cromar Gardens and the entrance to Kingswells Primary School.

An alternative route is available via Kingswood Drive and Kingswells Crescent.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the same stretch of road.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during duct laying works being carried out by City Fibre.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Whitemyres Avenue

Start Date and Time : 17 July 2023 07:00 
End Date and Time : 19 July 2023 07:00 
Location : Whitemyres Avenue 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order is to close Whitemyres Avenue, Aberdeen, from its junction with Whitemyres Place to the access to Whitemyres Business Centre, from 07:00 on 17 July 2023 until 07:00 on 18 July 2023, and also from the western access at Booker to the access 17m in a westerly direction, from 07:00 on 18 July 2023 until 07:00 on 19 July 2023.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on the same stretches of road.

An alternative route is available via Whitemyres Place, Lang Stracht, and Mastrick Drive.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during works for Scottish Water.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on 01738 449901, or 

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Stronsay Drive

Start Date and Time : 28 June 2023 09:30 
End Date and Time : 28 June 2023 16:00 
Location : Stronsay Drive 
Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Stronsay Drive at its junctions with Eday Road & Stronsay Place. These signals will operate during working hours while survey works are carried out in the area. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on or 01236862400 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – City Fibre 46/Kingswells Crescent

Start Date and Time : 22 April 2023 17:00
End Date and Time : 23 April 2023 17:00
Location : City Fibre 46/Kingswells Crescent

Description : IN THE INTERESTS OF PUBLIC SAFETY DURING CITY FIBRE WORKS Prohibition of driving on Kingswells Crescent, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Kingswood Drive and Corse Avenue, other than in a westerly direction from 17:00 on 22nd April, 2023, until 17:00 on 23rd April, 2023 AN


New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Summerhill Road

Start Date and Time : 15 May 2023 08:00 
End Date and Time : 02 June 2023 17:00 
Location : Summerhill Road 
Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 08:00 on 15 May 2023, until 17:00 on 02 June 2023, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Summerhill Road, Aberdeen, from the access road to Bob Tait Court to the southern boundary of number 76 Summerhill Road.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense.

Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

An alternative route is available via Lang Stracht, Stronsay Drive, Stronsay Place, and Summerhill Terrace.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during sewer repair works.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Leiths on 01224 876333 or at 

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Kingswood Drive

Start Date and Time : 08 May 2023 07:00 
End Date and Time : 12 May 2023 17:00 
Location : Kingswood Drive 
Description : There will be temporary traffic lights on Kingswood Drive about 40m north of its southern junction with Kingswells Drive. These signals will operate 24 hours a day while repairs are made to street lighting in the area. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Leiths on 01224 876333 or at 

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Lang Stracht

Start Date and Time : 10 April 2023 18:30 
End Date and Time : 10 April 2023 23:30 
Location : Lang Stracht 

Description : There will be temporary traffic lights on the Lang Stracht at its junction with Mastrick Drive and Summerhill Road.

These signals will operate during off-peak hours while works are carried out in the area.

Any further queries can be directed to Lochwynd on 0141 781 4477 or at

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Callum Wynd, Kingswood Drive

Start Date and Time : 24 April 2023 09:00
End Date and Time : 24 April 2023 22:00

Location : Callum Wynd, Kingswood Drive

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:00 until 22:00 on 24 April 2023, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Callum Wynd, Aberdeen, from the driveway at number 6 Callum Wynd to the driveway at number 12 Callum Wynd.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on the same stretch of road.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of Kingswells Drive, Aberdeen, from its junction with Callum Park to a point 50m south of its junction with Callum Wynd.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during works for Scottish Water.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on 01738 449901, or

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Stronsay Drive

Start Date and Time : 10 April 2023 09:30 
End Date and Time : 10 April 2023 15:30 
Location : Stronsay Drive

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Stronsay Drive at its Junction with Stronsay Place and Eday Road.

These signals will operate during off peak hours while survey works are carried out.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on 01738 449901, or 

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Kingswood Drive

Start Date and Time : 04 April 2023 09:00 
End Date and Time : 05 April 2023 17:00 
Location : Kingswood Drive 
Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Kingswood Drive at its junction with Kingswood Gardens.

These signals will operate during working hours while City Fibre works to install Fibre in the area.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669, or 

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Kingswells Avenue

A New Temporary Traffic Lights has been imposed with the following details :

Start Date and Time : 25 March 2023 09:00 

End Date and Time : 26 March 2023 23:59 

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Kingswells Avenue at its junction with Cromar Gardens. These signals will operate 24 hours a day while Idverde carries out repairs on ironworks in the area. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to CONTRAFLOW on 07951411310, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Stronsay Drive

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. 

Start Date and Time : 27 March 2023 08:00 

End Date and Time : 08 May 2023 18:00 

The effect of the order is to impose a temporary one-way restriction on Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen, from its junction with Eday Road to its junction with Gairsay Road from 08:00 on 27 March 2023, until 16:00 on 28 March 2023. 

The permitted direction of travel will be northbound only. 

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense. 

This restriction is in the interest of public safety during bus shelter replacement works. 

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Commutaports on 0141 7622626 or at

There will be a temporary one-way restriction on Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen, from its junction with Gairsay Road to its junction with Lang Stracht from 08:00 on 27 March 2023 until 18:00 on 8 May 2023. 

The permitted direction of travel will be northbound only. 

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road. the no-waiting restrictions will be implemented as and when required, and will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones. 

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense. 

This restriction is in the interest of public safety during footway and new entrance construction works, and also tree removal works. 

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Hatton Traffic Management on 01224 795399, or

Queries regarding the tree removal works can be directed to

An alternative route is available via Lang Stracht, Summerhill Road, Summerhill Terrace and Stronsay Place. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Stronsay Drive

Start Date and Time : 05 April 2023 09:00 

End Date and Time : 05 April 2022 16:00

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. 

The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:00 on date, until 16:00 on 05 April 2023, is to impose a temporary one-way restriction on Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen, from is junction with Eday Road to its junction with Gairsay Road. 

The permitted direction of travel will be northbound only. 

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on the same stretch of road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense. 

An alternative route is available via Lang Stracht, Summerhill Road, Summerhill Terrace, and Stronsay Place. 

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during works for Scottish Water. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on 01738 449901, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – City Fibre PN281/Kingswells

Start Date and Time : 11 April 2023 08:00 

End Date and Time : 05 May 2023 17:00  

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. 

The effect of the order is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on the following streets; Kingswells Avenue, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Kingswells Crescent and Midmar Park from 09:00 on 11th April, 2023, until 17:00 on 12th April, 2023. An alternative route is available via Kingswells Crescent and Kingswood Drive; 

Kingswells Drive, Aberdeen, between its northern junction with Kingswood Drive and Callum Crescent from 09:00 on 17th April, 2023, until 17:00 on 19th April, 2023. An alternative route is available via Kingswood Drive and its southern junction with Kingswood Drive. Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible. 

There will also be a temporary prohibition of traverse on the footpath on Kingswells Crescent, Aberdeen between Migvie Grove and Migvie Avenue from 09:00 on 13th April, 2023, until 17:00 on 14th April, 2023. An alternative route is available via Kingswells Crescent. 

There will also be a temporary one-way restriction on Kingswells Crescent, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Kingswood Drive and Corse Avenue from 09:00 on 20th April, 2023, until 17:00 on 22nd April, 2023.The permitted direction of travel will be westbound only. An alternative route for eastbound vehicles is available via Kingswells Drive and Kingswood Avenue. 

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the following streets between 08:00 and 17:00 Mon-Fri; Bethlin Mews, Callum Crescent, Callum Park, Callum Wynd, Corse Avenue, Corse Gardens, Corse Wynd, Kingswells Avenue, Kingswells Crescent, Kingswells Drive, Kingswood Drive, Midmar Crescent, Midmar Walk, Migvie Grove, Aberdeen from 08:00 on 11th April, 2023, until 17:00 on 5th May, 2023. 

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense. The no-waiting restrictions will not be implemented for the full duration of the order and will only be implemented as and when required. The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones for no more than 100 metres at a time. 

Aberdeen City Council maintain the right to reduce this to 50m on any site should they see it as necessary to maintain public safety/access. For an update as to when the no-waiting restrictions will be implemented please contact GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669 

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during duct laying works being carried out by City Fibre. 

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Kingswood Drive

Start Date and Time : 22 March 2023 09:00 

End Date and Time : 24 March 2023 17:00 

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Kingswood Drive between its junctions with Broaddykes Drive and with Kingswood road. 

These signals will operate during working hours while works are carried out to upgrade the pedestrian islands in the area. 

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Kingswood Drive 

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Start Date and Time : 06 March 2023 04:00
End Date and Time : 17 March 2023 17:00
Location : Kingswood Drive

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 06 March 2023 until 17:00 on 17 April 2023, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on to Kingswood Drive, from Kingswell Drive to Kingswells Avenue, there will be no access though Kingswood Drive from Kingswood Mews / Village Centre, Village Centre one -way restriction from Kingswells Avenue will be revoked for the durations of the works.

There will be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the Kingswood Drive and Village Centre, and prohibition of waiting for the duration of the works.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated using no-waiting cones.

These measures are necessary to protect public safety during ACC road resurfacing.

Alternate Route : Kingswells Drive, Kingswells Avenue

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – City Fibre PN227/Kingswells

Start Date and Time : 28 March 2023 08:00 
End Date and Time : 21 April 2023 17:00 
Location : City Fibre PN227/Kingswells 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on the following streets; Broaddykes Drive, Aberdeen, between its northern junction with Kingswood Drive and Broaddykes Close from 09:00 on 28th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 29th March, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Kingswood Drive and its southern entrance with Kingswood Drive;

Coull Gardens, Aberdeen, from its southern junction with Kingswells Drive to the boundary between number 3 and 5 Coull Gardens from 09:00 on 30th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 31st March, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Kingswells Drive and its northern entrance with Kingswells Drive; Coull Gardens, Aberdeen, from its northern junction with Kingswells Drive to the boundary between number 10 and 12 Coull Gardens from 09:00 on 4th April, 2023, until 17:00 on 5th April, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Kingswells Drive and its southern entrance with Kingswells Drive. Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the following streets between 08:00 and 17:00 Mon-Fri; Broaddykes Drive, Clova Park, Coldstone Avenue, Coull Gardens, Huxterstone Drive, Kingswells Drive, Kingswood Drive, Kingswood Mews, Aberdeen from 08:00 on 28th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 21st April, 2023. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will not be implemented for the full duration of the order and will only be implemented as and when required.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones for no more than 100 metres at a time.

Aberdeen City Council maintain the right to reduce this to 50m on any site should they see it as necessary to maintain public safety/access.

For an update as to when the no-waiting restrictions will be implemented please contact GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during duct laying works being carried out by City Fibre.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Springhill Road, Aberdeen

Start Date and Time : 19 February 2023 09:00 
End Date and Time : 20 February 2023 06:00 
Location : Springhill Road, Aberdeen 

Description : There will be temporary traffic lights at Springhill Road, Aberdeen, at its junction with Maidencraig Place.

These lights will be in operation 24 hours a day while city fibre carries out works in the area. Any queries should be directed to GCU at 08001114669 or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – City Fibre 24/Springhill Road, Sheddocksley Drive & Maidencraig Place

Start Date and Time : 18 February 2023 09:00
End Date and Time : 20 February 2023 18:00
Location : City Fibre 24/Springhill Road, Sheddocksley Drive & Maidencraig Place

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on the following streets; Sheddocksley Drive, Aberdeen, from its junction with Springhill Road to the gable end of number 2 Sheddocksley Drive from 09:00 on 18th February, 2023, until 08:00 on 19th February, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Springhill Road, Maidencraig Place and Sheddocksley Road; Maidencraig Place, Aberdeen, from its junction with Springhill Road to the gable end of number 1 Maidencraig Place from 09:00 on 19th February, 2023, until 06:00 on 20th February, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Springhill Road, Sheddocksley Drive and Sheddocksley Road.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the same stretch of roads.

Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on the west side on Springhill Road between its junctions with Lang Stracht and Sheddocksley Drive from 09:00 on 18th February, 2023, until 08:00 on 19th February, 2023.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during duct laying works being carried out by City Fibre.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669, or

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Kingswells Drive

Start Date and Time : 06 March 2023 04:00 
End Date and Time : 19 March 2023 17:00 
Location : Kingswells Drive 
Description : The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 06 March 2023 until 17:00 on 19 March 2023, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on to Kingswells Drive, from Clova Park to Coull Green for the durations of the works.

Residentials access will be maintain by the contractor. There will be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the road, and prohibition of waiting for the duration of the works. The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated using no-waiting cones. These measures are necessary to protect public safety during ACC road resufacing. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Sheddocksley Road

Start Date and Time : 06 March 2023 04:00 
End Date and Time : 26 March 2023 17:00 
Location : Sheddocksley Road 

Description : The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 06 March, 2023 until 17:00 on 26 March, 2023, is to impose a prohibition of driving on Sheddocksley Road, Aberdeen, from Sheddocksley Drive to Auchlea Road.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of the carriageway for any purpose for the duration of the works.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

Residential access/ingress will be maintained when safe to do so.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC carriageway works. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen

Start Date and Time : 17 March 2023 19:00 
End Date and Time : 18 March 2023 06:00 
Location : Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 19:00 on 17 March 2023, until 06:00 on 18 February 2023, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen, from its junction with Eday Road to its junction with Fernielea Crescent.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on the same stretch of road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense.

Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

An alternative route is available via Eday Road Fernielea Road, and Fernielea Crescent.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during works for Scottish Water.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on 01738 449901, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – City Fibre PN266/Kingswells

Start Date and Time : 08 March 2023 08:00 
End Date and Time : 04 April 2023 17:00 
Location : City Fibre PN266/Kingswells 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on the following streets; Fairley Road, link road, Aberdeen, from its junction with Fairley Road to the boundary at the rear of number 6 and 7 Whiterashes from 09:00 on 8th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 9th March, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Chapel of Stoneywood Road, Kingswood Drive and Fairley Road; Edmond Gardens, Aberdeen, from its southern junction with Fairley Road to the boundary between number 4 and 6 Edmond Gardens from 09:00 on 10th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 11th March, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Fairley Road and the northern junction with Fairley Road; Edmond Gardens, Aberdeen, from its northern junction with Fairley Road to the boundary between number 24 and 26 Edmond Gardens from 09:00 on 13th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 14th March, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Fairley Road and the southern junction with Fairley Road; Fairley Road, Aberdeen, from its northern junction with Edmond Gardens to the boundary between number 37 and 39 Fairley Road from 09:00 on 20th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 21st March, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Fairley Road, Chapel of Stoneywood Road, Kingswells Roundabout, Chapel of Stoneywood Road and Kingswood Drive Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the following streets between 08:00 and 17:00 Mon-Fri; Edmond Gardens, Fairley Road, John Arthur Court, Lang Stracht, Old Skene Road, Whiterashes, Aberdeen from 08:00 on 8th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 4th April, 2023.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense. The no-waiting restrictions will not be implemented for the full duration of the order and will only be implemented as and when required.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones for no more than 100 metres at a time.

Aberdeen City Council maintain the right to reduce this to 50m on any site should they see it as necessary to maintain public safety/access.

For an update as to when the no-waiting restrictions will be implemented please contact GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669 The measures are necessary to protect public safety during duct laying works being carried out by City Fibre. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – City Fibre PN252/Kingswells

Start Date and Time : 08 March 2023 08:00 
End Date and Time : 05 April 2023 17:00 
Location : City Fibre PN252/Kingswells 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on the following streets; Fairley Road, Aberdeen, from the boundary between number 39 and 41 Fairley Road to the gable end of number 47 Fairley Road from 09:00 on 15th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 16th March, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Fairley Road, Chapel of Stoneywood-Fairley Road, Kingswells Roundabout, Chapel of Stoneywood-Fairley Road and Kingswood Drive; Fairley Road, Aberdeen, from its junction with Kingswood Drive to the gable end of number 79 Fairley Road from 09:00 on 17th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 18th March, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Fairley Road, Chapel of Stoneywood-Fairley Road, Kingswells Roundabout, Chapel of Stoneywood-Fairley Road and Kingswood Drive; Broaddykes Drive, Aberdeen, between its eastern junction with Kingswood Drive and Broaddykes Avenue from 09:00 on 22nd March, 2023, until 17:00 on 24th March, 2023.

An alternative route is available via Kingswood Drive and its northern junction with Kingswood Drive. Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the following streets between 08:00 and 17:00 Mon-Fri; Bellfield View, Broaddykes Drive, Fairley Road, Kingswood Avenue, Kingswood Drive, Kingswood Gardens, Kingswood Grove, Kingswood Path, Kingswood Road, Kingswood Walk, Aberdeen from 08:00 on 8th March, 2023, until 17:00 on 5th April, 2023.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense. The no-waiting restrictions will not be implemented for the full duration of the order and will only be implemented as and when required.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones for no more than 100 metres at a time.

Aberdeen City Council maintain the right to reduce this to 50m on any site should they see it as necessary to maintain public safety/access.

For an update as to when the no-waiting restrictions will be implemented please contact GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during duct laying works being carried out by City Fibre.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669, or 

Temporary Traffic Order – Summerhill Crescent

Start Date and Time : 27 February 2023 08:00 
End Date and Time : 03 March 2023 17:00 
Location : Summerhill Crescent, Aberdeen

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 08:00 on 27 February 2023, until 17:00 on 3 March 2023, is to impose a temporary no-waiting restriction on either side of Summerhill Crescent, Aberdeen, from the boundary between numbers 31 and 33 Summerhill Crescent to the boundary between numbers 44 and 46 Summerhill Crescent. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during works for BT Openreach. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Wright Traffic Management on 01466 751316, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Lang Stracht, Aberdeen

Start Date and Time : 30 January 2023 20:00
End Date and Time : 02 February 2023 08:00

Location : Lang Stracht, Aberdeen

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the Order, which will operate from 20:00 on 30 January 2023, until 08:00 on 31 January 2023 and from 20:00 on 31 January 2023, until 08:00 on 1 February 2023, and again from 20:00 on 1 February 2023, until 08:00 on 2 February 2023 will be the introduction of a ban on right turn manoeuvres from Lang Stracht, Aberdeen, onto North Anderson Drive. Only one of these dates will be used.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during repair works by Scottish Water.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on or 01236862400

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Springhill Road, Aberdeen

Start Date and Time : 09 January 2023 09:30 
End Date and Time : 13 January 2023 15:30 
Location : Springhill Road, Aberdeen

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Springhill Road between its Junctions with Ythan Road and Sheddocksley Road.

These signals will operate during off-peak hours while maintenance work is carried out in the area. 

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – North Anderson Drive, Aberdeen

Start Date and Time : 14 December 2022 09:30 
End Date and Time : 14 December 2022 15:30 
Location : North Anderson Drive, Aberdeen 

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on North Anderson Drive, Aberdeen, at its junction with Midstocket Road.

These signals will operate during off peak hours while works are carried out to localise and repair damaged cables. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – City Fibre PN234/Sheddocksley

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Start Date and Time : 17 January 2023 09:00 
End Date and Time : 01 February 2023 17:00 
Location : City Fibre PN234/Sheddocksley

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order is to impose a temporary one-way restriction on Skye Road, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Lang Stracht and Arran Avenue from 09:00 on 17th January, 2023, until 17:00 on 18th January, 2023.

The permitted direction of travel will be southbound only. An alternative route for northbound vehicles is available via Lang Stracht, Lewis Road and Arran Avenue.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the following streets between 08:00 and 17:00 Mon-Fri; Arran Avenue, Coll Walk, Eriskay Drive, Monach Terrace, Skye Road, Taransay Road, Uist Road, Aberdeen from 08:00 on 17th January, 2023, until 17:00 on 1st February, 2023. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The no-waiting restrictions will not be implemented for the full duration of the order and will only be implemented as and when required.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones for no more than 100 metres at a time. Aberdeen City Council maintain the right to reduce this to 50m on any site should they see it as necessary to maintain public safety/access.

For an update as to when the no-waiting restrictions will be implemented please contact GCU (UK) Ltd on 08001114669 The measures are necessary to protect public safety during duct laying works being carried out by City Fibre. 

Location : Greenfern Place Lane East

Start Date and Time : 28 November 2022 04:00
End Date and Time : 11 December 2022 17:00

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 28 November 2022 until 17:00 on 11 December 2022, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Greenfern Place Lane East from, Greenfern Road to Arnage Drive for the durations of the works.

There will be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the road, and prohibition of waiting for the duration of the works.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

These measures are necessary to protect public safety during ACC road resurfacing.

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Bressay Brae

Start Date and Time : 21 November 2022 08:00 
End Date and Time : 25 November 2022 17:00 
Location : Bressay Brae, Aberdeen 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 08:00 on 21 November 2022, until 17:00 on 25 November 2022, is to impose a temporary no-waiting restriction on either side of Bressay Brae, Aberdeen, from the boundary between numbers 22 And 24 Bressay Brae to the boundary between numbers 34 and 36 Bressay Brae.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during works for BT Openreach.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Wright Traffic Management on 01466 751316, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Summerhill Road, Aberdeen

Start Date and Time : 13 November 2022 18:00
End Date and Time : 02 December 2022 22:00
Location : Summerhill Road, Aberdeen

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 18:00 on 13 November 2022, until 22:00 on 02 December 2022, is to impose a temporary one-way restriction on Summerhill Road, Aberdeen, from its junction with Lang Stracht to the boundary between numbers 71 and 73 Summerhill Road.

The permitted direction of travel will be southbound only. There will also be a prohibition of waiting on the same stretch of road. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during works for Scotland Gas Networks.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Worton Utilities on 07429 587038 or at

Alternate Route : An alternative route is available via Summerhill Terrace, Stronsay Place, Stronsay Drive, and Lang Stracht.

New Temporary Traffic Lights Imposed – Chapel of Stoneywood – Fairley Road 

Start Date and Time : 27 October 2022 09:30
End Date and Time : 28 October 2022 15:30

Location : Chapel of Stoneywood – Fairley Road

Description : There will be temporary traffic signals on Chapel of Stoneywood – Fairley Road, Aberdeen, Just south of North Kingswells Junction & Dykeside Cottage. The signals will operate during off-peak hours while a lighting column is replaced.

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Lewis Road, Aberdeen

Start Date and Time : 21 November 2022 08:00
End Date and Time : 24 November 2022 16:00
Location : Lewis Road, Aberdeen Northcote Road, Aberdeen

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. One of the effects of this order, is to close Lewis Road, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Lang Stracht and Barra Walk, from 08:00 until 18:00 on 21 November, 2022.

An alternative route is available via Arran Avenue and Skye Road.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting for any purpose on either side of the same stretch of road.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during urgent works by Aberdeen City Council to make existing trees safe.

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Fernhill Road

Start Date and Time : 01 November 2022 08:00
End Date and Time : 04 November 2022 16:00
Location : Fernhill Road

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 08:00 on 01 November 2022 until 16:00 on 04 November 2022, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Fernhill Road between number 33 and junction with Fernhill Road and Greenfern Avenue, for the durations of the works.

There will also be a temporary prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road for the duration of the works.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

There will also be a suspension of the one way system on Fernhill Road between number 55 and number 33 for the duration of the works.

The measure are necessary to protect public safety during ACC cable installation works.

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Borrowstone Road, Aberdeen

Start Date and Time : 16 November 2022 10:30 
End Date and Time : 16 November 2022 15:30 
Location : Borrowstone Road, Aberdeen 

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 10:30 until 15:30 on 16 November 2022, is to close the C93C Borrowstone Road, Aberdeen, between West Brimmondside and Borrowstone Bothy.

Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible. The measure is necessary to protect public safety during works for BT Openreach.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Sunbelt Rentals on 03700500792 or at 

Alternate Route : An alternative route is available via the A944 Skene Road, Westhill Drive, and the B979 Kirkton of Skene-Clinterty. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Fernielea Road, Eday Crescent, Eday Road

Start Date and Time : 24 October 2022 08:00 
End Date and Time : 25 October 2022 17:00 
Location : Fernielea Road, Eday Crescent, Eday Road

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 08:00 on 24 October 2022, until 17:00 on 25 October 2022, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Fernielea Road, Aberdeen, from its junction with Eday Road to the driveway at number 2 Fernielea Road.

An alternative route is available via Eday Road, Stronsay Drive, and Fernielea Crescent. Eday Crescent, Aberdeen, will be one-way from its junction with Eday Road to the existing one-way system at number 7 Eday Crescent.

The permitted direction of travel will be northbound only. An alternative route is available via Eday Crescent northbound, Gairsay Road, and Gairsay Drive.

There will be a prohibition of waiting on either side of Eday Road, Aberdeen, from the boundary between numbers 21 and 23 Eday Road to the driveway at number 38 Eday Road.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense. The measures are necessary to protect public safety during works for BT Openreach.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Freeflow on 01355 204 311, or 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Eday Road 

Start Date and Time : 20 October 2022 04:00
End Date and Time : 04 November 2022 17:00
Location : Eday Road

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 20 October 2022 until 17:00 on 04 November 2022, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Eday Road from , Entrance to NHS HQ to Eday Crescent for the durations of the works.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the road, and prohibition of waiting for the duration of the works.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense. These measures are necessary to protect public safety during ACC footway improvement.

Alternate Route : Stronsay Drive, Fernielea Place, Fernielea Crescent

Changes in Temporary Traffic Order – Summerhill Terrace

Start Date and Time : 17 October 2022 04:00
End Date and Time : 30 October 2022 17:00
Location : Summerhill Terrace

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 17 October 2022 until 17:00 on 30 October 2022, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Summerhill Terrace westbound from , Summerhill Drive to Summerhill Road for the durations of the works.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the road for the duration of the works.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

These measures are necessary to protect public safety during ACC street lighting column replacement.
Alternate Route : Summerhill Road, Lang Stracht, Stronsay Drive

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – U205C OLD LANG STRACHT, ABERDEEN

Start Date and Time : 08 October 2022 05:00 
End Date and Time : 14 October 2022 23:59 



Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to RoadMaintenance or 03000200292


A New Temporary Traffic Order has been imposed with the following details :

Start Date and Time : 12 October 2022 04:00
End Date and Time : 19 October 2022 17:00
Location : Eday Road

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 12 October 2022 until 17:00 on 19 October 2022, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Eday Road from , Stronsay Drive to Summerfield House (NHS Grampian, Corporate Headquarters) for the durations of the works.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side on the same stretch of road for the duration of the works.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

Illegally parked vehicles will be removed athese measures are necessary to protect public safety during ACC carriageway resurfacing works.

Alternate Route : Stronsay Drive, Gairsay Road, Eday Drive, Eday Road, Fernielea Road, Fernielea Crescent and vice versa

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – North Anderson Drive, Aberdeen

Start Date and Time : 30 September 2022 18:00

End Date and Time : 02 October 2022 08:00

Location : North Anderson Drive, Aberdeen

Description : From 18:00 on 30 September 2022, until 08:00 on 2 October 2022, there will be a prohibition of right turn manoeuvres from North Anderson Drive, Aberdeen, on to Lang Stracht, and from Lang Stracht, Aberdeen, on to North Anderson Drive.

The measures are necessary during works being carried out by Scottish Water. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Contraflow on 01738 449901, or

The Council regrets any inconvenience that may be caused by this temporary measure.

Alternate Route : Alternative routes are available via North Anderson Drive southbound, King’s Cross Roundabout, and North Anderson Drive northbound, and via North Anderson Drive northbound, Cairncry Roundabout, and North Anderson Drive southbound.

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Summerhill Road Area, Aberdeen

Start Date and Time : 13 September 2022 00:01 
End Date and Time : 12 September 2023 23:59 
Location : Summerhill Road Area, Aberdeen

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will come into operation from 00:01 on 13 September 2022, until 23:59 on 12 September 2023, is to impose certain lengths of prohibition of waiting at any time on Balfron Place, Campsie Place, Dumgoyne Place, Endrick Place, King’s Gate, Rosewell Gardens, Rosewell Park, Rosewell Place, Rosewell Terrace, St Margeret’s Court, Summerhill Road and Summerhill Terrace, as specified in the first schedule below.

There will also be certain lengths on Rosewell Gardens and Summerhill Road where waiting is limited to 45 minutes, with no return within 15 minutes, on any day between 7am and 7pm. These measures are for the purpose of road safety.

Prohibition of waiting at any time Balfron Place – either side, from its junction with Summerhill Road, eastwards for a distance of 10m or thereby. Campsie Place – either side, from its junction with Summerhill Road, eastwards for a distance of 10m or thereby.

Dumgoyne Place – either side, from its junction with Summerhill Road, eastwards for a distance of 10m or thereby.

Endrick Place – either side, from its junction with Summerhill Road, eastwards for a distance of 10m or thereby.

King’s Gate – either side of the inset road section of King’s Gate (serves property nos. 202 to 224 King’s Gate), Aberdeen, from its junction with King’s Gate to a point 19m or thereby west of the east gable of number 204 King’s Gate.

Rosewell Gardens – north side, from its junction with Summerhill Road, westwards for a distance of 10m or thereby; north side, from a point 12m or thereby east of its easternmost junction with Rosewell Park, westwards for a distance of 12m or thereby; north side, between both its junctions with Rosewell Park; south side, from its junction with Summerhill Road, westwards for a distance of 142m or thereby.

Rosewell Park – either side of both sections, from its junctions with Rosewell Gardens, northwards for a distance of 10m or thereby. Rosewell Place – either side, from its junction with Summerhill Road, eastwards for a distance of 10m or thereby. Rosewell Terrace – either side, from its junction with Summerhill Road, eastwards for a distance of 10m or thereby.

St Margaret’s Court – for its entire length. Summerhill Road – east side, from its junction with King’s Gate, northwards to a point 10m or thereby north of its junction with Balfron Place;

east side, from a point 10m or thereby south of its junction with Campsie Place, to a point 10m or thereby north of its junction with Campsie Place;

east side, from a point 10m or thereby south of its junction with Dumgoyne Place to a point 10m or thereby north of its junction with Dumgoyne Place;

east side, from a point 23m or thereby south of its junction with Endrick Place to a point 23m or thereby north of its junction with Endrick Place;

west side, from a point 10m or thereby south of its junction with Summerhill Terrace, to a point 10m or thereby north of its junction with Summerhill Terrace;

west side, from its junction with Rosewell Gardens, northwards for a distance of 8m or thereby; west side of Summerhill Road, Aberdeen, from a point 20m or thereby north of its junction with Rosewell Gardens,

northwards for a distance of 12m or thereby; west side of Summerhill Road, Aberdeen, from its junction with King’s Gate, northwards for a distance of 75m or thereby;

west side of Summerhill Road, Aberdeen, from a point 85m or thereby north of its junction with King’s Gate, northwards for a distance of 9m or thereby;

west side of Summerhill Road, Aberdeen, from a point 104m or thereby north of its junction with King’s Gate, northwards for a distance of 11m or thereby; west side, from a point 126m or thereby north of its junction with King’s Gate,

northwards for a distance of 8m or thereby; west side of Summerhill Road, Aberdeen, between a point 144m or thereby north of its junction with King’s Gate and its junction with Rosewell Gardens.

Summerhill Terrace – either side, from its junction with Summerhill Road westwards for a distance of 10m or thereby. 7am – 7pm; 45 minute max stay, no return within 15 minutes

Summerhill Road – west side, from a point 8m or thereby north of its junction with Rosewell Gardens, northwards for a distance of 12m or thereby.

Rosewell Gardens – north side, from a point 10m or thereby west of its junction with Summerhill Road, westwards for a distance of 18m or thereby. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Sheddocksley Road

Start Date and Time : 03 October 2022 04:00 
End Date and Time : 10 December 2022 17:00

Location : Sheddocksley Road 
Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 03 October 2022 until 17:00 on 10 December 2022, is to impose a temporary prohibition of driving on Sheddocksley Road between Bellfield Road and Kingsford Road, for the durations of the works.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on both side of the road the same stretch of road for the duration of the works.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during ACC carriageway resurfacing works. 

Consultation Events On Major Planning Applications

A second round of public consultations are to be held in respect of two major planning applications. The first round of consultations was held virtually but this round is in person.

Local councillor Steve Delaney said, “Quite a number of people have been in touch about these applications, not having previously been aware of them. Councillors are not permitted to discuss the merits of ab planning application prior to its determination, otherwise they cannot participate in any decision making process relating to the application”.

The information below was supplied to me by email from the site agents. I am passing no opinion on these applications, merely advising you of the consultation events, should you wish to attend.

I will not be entering into correspondence on any aspect of these applications, though I am of course happy to hear your views (without passing opinion on them) or to pass on information relating to the relevant processes such as I have done by way of the two events listed below”.

Background Information

Aberdeen City Council is consulting on a proposed planning application for a two major developments. The first of these being Greenferns comprising 1,650 homes, employment use, neighbourhood centre comprising local retail and commercial provision, leisure and community uses and associated infrastructure including new and upgraded access roads, landscaping, open space and engineering works.  Notice was submitted to Aberdeen City Council in May 2022 (Ref: 220610/PAN) 

The second application relates to Greenferns Landward comprising 1,570 homes, local neighbourhood retail and commercial provision, leisure and community uses, gypsy traveller site and associated infrastructure including new and upgraded access roads, landscaping, open space and engineering works. Notice was submitted to Aberdeen City Council in May 2022 (Ref: 220611/PAN)

A hybrid consultation strategy is being undertaken comprising both virtual and face-to-face consultation. The virtual online consultation has now closed and the Design Team have been considering the public feedback received to the initial consultation. The comments and feedback has fed into the design development process for the site, which has helped inform these in-person public consultation events, where updated proposals will be displayed and available for further feedback.

Greenferns Consultation Event

The second public consultation will take place on Tuesday 30th August 2022. This will take the form of a public drop-in exhibition at the Middlefield Community Project (The Hub), Manor Avenue, AB16 7UR between 3pm and 7pm. The updated plans will be available to view and members of the Design Team will be available to chat to and hopefully answer any questions you have. 

 Feedback forms will be made available at the event for you to complete and submit at the venue, or alternatively you can take these away to complete and sent back to us either via email to or posted to Greenferns Consultation, Ryden LLP, 25 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL. The deadline for returning feedback is Friday 16th September 2022. 

Greenferns Landward Public Consultation Event

The second public consultation will take place on Thursday 1st September 2022. This will take the form of a public drop-in exhibition at the Middlefield Community Project (The Hub), Manor Avenue, AB16 7UR between 3pm and 7pm. The updated plans will be available to view and members of the Design Team will be available to chat to and hopefully answer any questions you have.

 Feedback forms will be made available at the event for you to complete and submit at the venue, or alternatively you can take these away to complete and sent back to us either via email to or posted to Greenferns Landward Consultation, Ryden LLP, 25 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL. The deadline for returning feedback is Friday 16th September 2022. 

Other Information

At this stage, comments are made to the appointed design team to inform the planning application. There will be an opportunity to submit representations to Aberdeen City Council (as planning authority), upon submission of a future planning application.

If you are unable to attend and wish to discuss any issues, please do not hesitate to contact Ryden on 01224 588866. Hard copies of the exhibition materials and feedback forms can also be requested via that number or the above email address.

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Skene Road (A9119)

Category :Road Closure 
Traffic Order Number : 11936490 
Emergency : No 
Start Date and Time : 12 September 2022 04:00 
End Date and Time : 16 September 2022 17:00 
Location : Skene Road (A9119) 

Description : : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 12 September 2022, until 17:00 on 16 September 2022, is to impose the prohibition of driving on Skene Road (A9119), Aberdeen between the Crematorium and Lighting column number 18, for any reason for the duration of the works.

Access to The Crematorium will be maintained.

Diversion signage will be in place.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during ACC carriageway resurfacing works.

Alternate Route : King’s Gate, North Anderson Drive (A92), Lang Stracht (A944) 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Lang Stracht (A944)

Start Date and Time : 05 September 2022 04:00
End Date and Time : 09 September 2022 16:00

Location : Lang Stracht (A944)

Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 05 September 2022 until 16:00 on 09 September 2022, is to impose a temporary bus lane suspension on Lang Stracht, Aberdeen, between Rousay Drive and Lewis Road.

There also be a temporary cycle lane suspension for the duration of the works.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during ACC pedestrian island refurbishment works.

Changes in Temporary Traffic Order – Stronsay Drive

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Description : The effect of the order, which will operate from 07:00 on 29 August 2022, until 17:00 on 07 October 2022, is to impose a temporary one-way restriction on Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen, from its junction with Stronsay Crescent to its junction with Lang Stracht.

The permitted direction of travel will be northbound only. There will be a prohibition of right turn manoeuvres from Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen, on to Lang Stracht.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during carriageway reconstruction works. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to JKR Contractors on 01358 701665, or

Alternate Route : An alternative route for southbound vehicles is available via Lang Stracht, Summerhill Road, and King’s Gate, and for the prohibition of right turn manoeuvres via King’s Gate and North Anderson Drive. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Stronsay Drive

Start Date and Time : 29 August 2022 07:00
End Date and Time : 07 October 2022 17:00

Location : Stronsay Drive

Description : The effect of the order, which will operate from 07:00 on 29 August 2022, until 17:00 on 07 October 2022, is to impose a temporary one-way restriction on Stronsay Drive, Aberdeen, from its junction with Stronsay Crescent to its junction with Lang Stracht.

The permitted direction of travel will be northbound only.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during carriageway reconstruction works.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to JKR Contractors on 01358 701665, or

Alternate Route : An alternative route for southbound vehicles is available via Lang Stracht, Summerhill Road, and King’s Gate.

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Springhill Road

Start Date and Time : 30 August 2022 19:00 

End Date and Time : 30 August 2021 23:59

Location : Springhill Road

Description : The effect of the order, which will operate from 19:00 until 23:59 on 30 August 2022, is to impose a temporary one-way restriction on Springhill Road, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Lang Stracht and Sheddocksley Drive.

The permitted direction of travel will be southbound only.

There will be a prohibition of waiting on either side of Springhill Road, Aberdeen, between its junctions with Lang Stracht and Sheddocksley Drive.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during traffic signal loop repairs.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Lochwynd on 0141 7814477 or at 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Mastrick Road (Inset Road)

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Start Date and Time : 29 August 2022 04:00 
End Date and Time : 11 September 2022 17:00

Location : Mastrick Road (Inset Road) 
Description : Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 04:00 on 29 August 2022, until 17:00 on 11 September 2022, is to impose temporary prohibition of driving on Mastrick Road, Inset road (for properties 2 to 24)

This will operate between 04:00 and 17:00, Monday to Friday, for the durations of the works.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on either side of the same stretch of road.

This will operate between 04:00 and 17:00, Monday to Friday, for the durations of the works.

The no-waiting restrictions will be demarcated by the use of no-waiting cones.

The restrictions are in the interests of public safety during Highland Surfacing carriageway resurfacing works. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – C93C Borrowstone Road

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Start Date and Time : 30 August 2022 09:30 
End Date and Time : 30 August 2022 15:30 

Location : C93C Borrowstone Road

Description : The effect of the order, which will operate from 09:30 until 15:30 on 30 August 2022, is to close the C93C Borrowstone Road, Aberdeen, between West Brimmondside and Borrowstone Bothy.

Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during works for BT Openreach.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Sunbelt Rentals on 03700500792 or at 

Alternate Route : An alternative route is available via the A944 Skene Road, Westhill Drive, and the B979 Kirkton of Skene-Clinterty. 

New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Sheddocksley Drive, Borrowstone Place

Start Date and Time : 22 August 2022 08:00 
End Date and Time : 26 August 2022 17:00 
Location : Sheddocksley Drive, Borrowstone Place 

Description : The effect of the order, which will operate from 08:00 on 22 August 2022, until 17:00 on 26 August 2022, is to impose a temporary no-waiting restriction on either side of Sheddocksley Drive, Aberdeen, from its junction with Sheddocksley Road to the access lane at the side of number 40 Sheddocksley Drive, and on either side of Borrowstone Place, Aberdeen, from its junction with Sheddocksley Drive to adjacent to the northern gable of number 8 Borrowstone Place. Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owners’ expense.

The measure is necessary to protect public safety during works for BT Openreach. Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Wright Traffic Management on 01466 751316, or