Aberdeen City Council has agreed to investigate the possibility of putting defibrillators into all council owned sheltered housing blocks across the city. A proposal was already before the council recommending this be looked into for schools, with a full business case coming to next March’s council budget meeting.
Speaking in support installing defibrillators in schools, Liberal Democrat Group Leader Councillor Ian Yuill put forward a request that all our sheltered housing blocks be included in this initiative. Councillor Boulton agreed to include this with her schools proposal and the committee approved it unanimously. Although we cannot second guess what that business case will recommend, it’s certainly a move in the right direction to bring these life saving devices to both schools and sheltered housing in a welcome show of cross party unity.
Liberal Democrat Housing Spokesman Steve Delaney said, “As I’m out and about visiting residents in sheltered housing, this is at the top of everyone’s list. People are asking how much they cost, if there’s funding available for them and how to go about getting one”
“Where these have already been installed, training is offered and I’m told they are very easy to use. There’s a definite willingness amongst a number of residents to undergo the training, knowing that this could mean the difference between life and death”.
“I look forward to seeing this initiative progressed, both for schools and for sheltered housing. It’s exactly the type of initiative that the whole council can be and should be uniting around”.
Further details can be found here.