Lighting Fixed
The lighting at the Park & Ride is now timed to come on earlier and go off later (to coincide with the time the first bus arrives in the morning and the last one departs at night). This follows on from the whole site being in darkness when shift workers were coming off/going on shift. Local councillor Steve Delaney said, “A number of people raised concerns about personal safety and the risk of having an accident as a result of the whole site being in darkness. Thankfully this had just been down to an error in the timer settings which has since been adjusted”.
Waiting Room To Re-Open
The waiting room at the Park & Ride was closed in March 2020 when the first lockdown commenced. It has not been re-opened since then. With the colder/wetter weather now upon us there have been concerns raised with Steve by Kingswells Community Council and a number of members of the public.
Steve said, “The issue stems from there previously having been no formal arrangement for the facility to be opened and closed. This was being done pre-pandemic by Stagecoach drivers as a courtesy but that arrangement has since lapsed”.
“I have been in regular contact with council officers regarding this matter and I’m pleased to say that they are working on putting in place arrangements to re-open the waiting room. No firm date has been given but I am assured this will happen as soon as possible.”
“I will update everyone here and through my Facebook and Twitter pages as soon as I get confirmation of the re-opening date and the times of day the facility will be available and in use”.
Late Night Disturbances
Unfortunately there have been more reports of late night disturbances being caused by ‘boy racers’ at the Park & Ride to such an extent that people’s sleep is being disturbed. Steve said, “Police Scotland and Aberdeen City Council have both been made aware of this. Their advice is for residents who are experiencing these disturbances to report them when they are ongoing to Police Scotland on 101.
Steve said, ‘Although the police may not attend immediately or at all (if they are tied on on other call outs), the more calls they receive, preferably from a number of different people, the better this helps builds up their intelligence around these activities. Police Scotland prioritise their limited resources around an intelligence led model so the more intelligence they get, the more likely they are to target resources at an issue. Although these activities have been ongoing for some time, very few people have been reporting them to the police. I can’t stress how important it is to report these incidents as they happen, even if it does involve a lengthy wait to get through, otherwise nothing will change”.