New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Springhill Road

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Start Date and Time : 04 May 2022 19:00 
End Date and Time : 04 May 2022 23:59 

Location : Springhill Road

Description : The effect of the order is to impose a temporary one-way restriction on Springhill Road, Aberdeen, between its junctions Lang Stracht and Sheddocksley Drive.

The permitted direction of travel will be northbound only.

There will also be a prohibition of waiting on the same stretch of road.

The measures are necessary to protect public safety during traffic signal detector repairs.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Lochwynd on 0141 781 4477 or at 

Alternate Route : An alternative route for southbound vehicles is available via Greenfern Road, Fernhill Drive, and Lang Stracht.