Some concerns have been raised by local residents regarding access to their homes during the resurfacing of Kingswood Drive between Broaddykes Drive and Coldstone Avenue from 3rd to 5th September. There should have been a letter drop (from the Council) to all affected residents but this does not appear to have happened.
There will be some minor hold ups as the work is carried out but residents and emergency vehicles will always have access to their residence in Coldstone Avenue. There may times when at key points of the operation there will be slightly longer delays but these will be at a minimum while the work is at or near the junction.
Broaddykes Drive will be closed to vehicular traffic at its north-most entrance though access from the other entrances to the Broaddykes/Huxterstone area will not be effected during these works. Traffic management signs will be put in place to help guide drivers until the work is carried out.