Start Date and Time : 30 April 2018 07:00
End Date and Time : 15 June 2018 22:00
Location : Lang Stracht, Springhill Road
Description : The effect of the order is to impose a prohibition of right turn manoeuvres from Lang Stracht, Aberdeen, on to Springhill Road, from 07:30 on 30 April, 2018, to 22:00 on 15 June, 2018.
There will be a prohibition of waiting on either side of Springhill Road, Aberdeen, between Lang Stracht and Sheddocksley Drive, from 07:30 on 30 April, 2018, to 22:00 on 15 June, 2018.
Illegally parked vehicles will be removed at the owner’s expense. Also, there will be a prohibition of driving on Springhill Road, Aberdeen, between Lang Stracht and Sheddocksley Drive, from 07:30 on 19 May, 2018, until 22:00 on 20 May, 2018.
Access to properties will be maintained, but no through traffic will be possible. The measures are necessary to protect public safety during traffic signal refurbishment works.
Alternate Route : An alternative route for vehicles turning onto Springhill Road is available via Fernhill Drive and Greenfern Road. An alternative route for the closure is available via Lang Stracht, Fernhill Drive and Greenfern Road.