Consultation Events On Major Planning Applications

A second round of public consultations are to be held in respect of two major planning applications. The first round of consultations was held virtually but this round is in person.

Local councillor Steve Delaney said, “Quite a number of people have been in touch about these applications, not having previously been aware of them. Councillors are not permitted to discuss the merits of ab planning application prior to its determination, otherwise they cannot participate in any decision making process relating to the application”.

The information below was supplied to me by email from the site agents. I am passing no opinion on these applications, merely advising you of the consultation events, should you wish to attend.

I will not be entering into correspondence on any aspect of these applications, though I am of course happy to hear your views (without passing opinion on them) or to pass on information relating to the relevant processes such as I have done by way of the two events listed below”.

Background Information

Aberdeen City Council is consulting on a proposed planning application for a two major developments. The first of these being Greenferns comprising 1,650 homes, employment use, neighbourhood centre comprising local retail and commercial provision, leisure and community uses and associated infrastructure including new and upgraded access roads, landscaping, open space and engineering works.  Notice was submitted to Aberdeen City Council in May 2022 (Ref: 220610/PAN) 

The second application relates to Greenferns Landward comprising 1,570 homes, local neighbourhood retail and commercial provision, leisure and community uses, gypsy traveller site and associated infrastructure including new and upgraded access roads, landscaping, open space and engineering works. Notice was submitted to Aberdeen City Council in May 2022 (Ref: 220611/PAN)

A hybrid consultation strategy is being undertaken comprising both virtual and face-to-face consultation. The virtual online consultation has now closed and the Design Team have been considering the public feedback received to the initial consultation. The comments and feedback has fed into the design development process for the site, which has helped inform these in-person public consultation events, where updated proposals will be displayed and available for further feedback.

Greenferns Consultation Event

The second public consultation will take place on Tuesday 30th August 2022. This will take the form of a public drop-in exhibition at the Middlefield Community Project (The Hub), Manor Avenue, AB16 7UR between 3pm and 7pm. The updated plans will be available to view and members of the Design Team will be available to chat to and hopefully answer any questions you have. 

 Feedback forms will be made available at the event for you to complete and submit at the venue, or alternatively you can take these away to complete and sent back to us either via email to or posted to Greenferns Consultation, Ryden LLP, 25 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL. The deadline for returning feedback is Friday 16th September 2022. 

Greenferns Landward Public Consultation Event

The second public consultation will take place on Thursday 1st September 2022. This will take the form of a public drop-in exhibition at the Middlefield Community Project (The Hub), Manor Avenue, AB16 7UR between 3pm and 7pm. The updated plans will be available to view and members of the Design Team will be available to chat to and hopefully answer any questions you have.

 Feedback forms will be made available at the event for you to complete and submit at the venue, or alternatively you can take these away to complete and sent back to us either via email to or posted to Greenferns Landward Consultation, Ryden LLP, 25 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, AB10 1YL. The deadline for returning feedback is Friday 16th September 2022. 

Other Information

At this stage, comments are made to the appointed design team to inform the planning application. There will be an opportunity to submit representations to Aberdeen City Council (as planning authority), upon submission of a future planning application.

If you are unable to attend and wish to discuss any issues, please do not hesitate to contact Ryden on 01224 588866. Hard copies of the exhibition materials and feedback forms can also be requested via that number or the above email address.