New Temporary Traffic Order Imposed – Lang Stracht

Aberdeen City Council has made the above-named order in terms of its powers under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.

The effect of the order, which will operate from 07:00 on 20th January, 2025, until 17:00 on 19th April, 2025, is to impose a temporary prohibition of right turns from Lang Stracht, Aberdeen, on to Dobbies Garden Centre access road, and also from Dobbies Garden Centre access road, Aberdeen, on to Lang Stracht.

Alternative routes are available via Green Hedges Roundabout Lang Stracht, Stronsay Drive, King’s Gate, Queen’s Road and Green Hedges Roundabout.

There will be a temporary 20mph speed restriction imposed on Lang Stracht, Aberdeen, from its junction with Maidencraig bus gate to the Aberdeen Gymnastics Centre access road.

Any queries regarding this restriction can be directed to Hatton Traffic Management on 07940598693