Lengthy Closure Of C128C Kingswells to Cults Closes Planned For Early 2020

A number of Kingswells residents have contacted local councillor Steve Delaney raising their concerns about the proposed closure of this road. This comes only a couple of years after prolonged closure of the road to get utility services across to the new Countesswells development.

Matters came to a head a couple of weeks ago when it emerged that the developer had set up a meeting but had not publicised this beyond the residents of the new development. Kingswells residents were given no advance warning of this, nor were councillors. Steve has since been in touch with several council officers and representatives of the developer, Countesswells Development Ltd to try to get some answers.

The works overall are expected to take about a year, though it’s not expected the road will be closed for the duration of the works. An initial road closure application has now been received by the council. The closure is proposed from 6 January 2020 for three months.

The works involve widening the C128C where it joins the roundabout and stopping up the current road southwards and replacing it with a new road to line up with Countesswells Road. Longer term this is going to be very welcome but in the interim there’s going to be significant diversions for anyone trying to get from Kingswells to Cults.

Steve said, “Council officers do not believe a 12 month closure  to be either required or indeed acceptable”. Just yesterday I received a response from Countesswells Development Ltd in which they said, “there will not, and never has been, the intention to close that road for a 12 month period”. They went on to say that they would be, “building the road up to the roundabout and then introducing a closure for as minimum a period as we possible can”.

At this point in time it remains unclear as to whether further works are envisaged beyond the initial 3 month period, whether or not the enlargement of the Kingswells roundabout is included in these works and a number of other questions also remain outstanding. 

Steve concluded, “Although the closure cannot be avoided for safety reasons I have sought assurances from both the council and the developer that these need to be kept to the absolute minimum in order to minimise disruption to local people”.

“Please rest assured I will remain in touch with both the council and Countesswells Development Ltd until matters become much clearer. Further updates will be posted if and when available”.