Schools Return Between 12th – 15th August

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

All parents will receive communications from both Aberdeen City Council and their child’s school in the next few days reminding them of the date/time of the planned induction session for their child along with any additional information they may require.

Induction sessions will take place at some point between 12th and 15th August with all children expected to return to school full time from 17th August.

These induction sessions are needed to introduce new children to P1 and S1 and also to familiarise all children and young people with the additional measures which have been introduced in order to reduce the likelihood of Covid-19 being spread within schools.

Some changes such as the use of hand sanitiser when entering different classrooms, management of breaks (including lunch breaks) and movement within school buildings will be common to all schools, whereas certain schools may require children and young people to become familiar with additional requirements.

The age and layout of the school, whether it’s a primary or secondary and a number of other distinct factors will dictate which measures are required at individual schools.

Aberdeen City Council has updated their information to parents and carers on the re-opening of schools and this can be found here.