Aberdeen’s Liberal Democrats Call For Face Coverings On Dedicated School Transport

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Scotland’s national Clinical Director Jason Leitch has been reinforcing the requirement for social distancing in school environments.


To improve safety, Aberdeen City Council’s Liberal Democrat Group is calling for the wearing of face coverings to be made compulsory on dedicated school buses. Currently, face coverings are compulsory on public transport but not on Council managed school buses.

More information on the provision of school buses is at:


Liberal Democrat Education spokesman Councillor Martin Greig said:

“There have been cases of covid19 infection in schools so it is vital to take every possible opportunity to encourage and enforce physical distancing. There should be a consistent message to wear a face covering when travelling on the bus. Council operated school buses should not have a different policy. People can just get confused when the safety rules vary so much from one situation to the next. It is reasonable to expect that everyone travelling in close proximity should cover up”.

“If face coverings can’t be made enforceable on school transport, this should be a very strong recommendation from the Council. This is a clear commitment not just for the safety of the bus passenger but also for the wellbeing of every individual they later come into close contact with.”